ISSN : 2005-0461(Print)
ISSN : 2287-7975(Online)
ISSN : 2287-7975(Online)
데이터 관리에서 발주 관리까지 기능을 포함하는 부품 관리 시스템의 설계와 개발
A Design and Development of Part Management System including Capabilities from Data Management to Order Management
논문접수일:2011년 10월 07일 논문수정일:2011년 12월 09일 게재확정일:2012년 01월 25일
Service Parts Management is defined as a supply management associated with service parts from the part suppliers to the final customer. A series of process to improve the customer service level by forecasting the demand and to minimize cost by maintaining the inventory level is included. Uniqueness such as missing value correction, the data pattern analysis and planned order system is designed and implemented. Main feature of order management system is to calculate order amount and order time based on selection of optimal forecasting algorithm.