Instruction For Authors
The Journal of Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering
is the official publication of the Society of Korea Industrial and
Systems Engineering.
1. Content and publication type
The Journal accepts original papers of research articles on design
and manufacturing, operations engineering and analysis, quality
and reliability engineering, intelligent information systems, scheduling
and logistics, and business administration
2. Qualification as authors
The first author and the corresponding author must be the
Member of the Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering.
If they are not the member, they should apply the membership
before the submission of their article. Please contact the
Society's office to become a member.
The Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering, #425,
Anyang trade-center, Simin-daero 161, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si,
Gyeonggi-do, 14048, Korea
Tel: +82-70-4115-8005
3. Research and publication ethics
The paper which is already published to other scientific journals
or periodicals is not considered for the possible publication. The
published paper at this journal mustnot be submitted to other
scientific journals. If there are any ethical issues with the manuscript
submitted, it must be first reviewed by the Ethics Committee
and the recommendations should be processed by the Society.
4. Submission of manuscript
The manuscript should be submitted with author's checklist. The
Copyright transfer agreement should be signed by the all coauthors,
and be submitted upon the acceptance. The file for accompanying
letters can be downloaded from the homepage of
the Society (
The address for submission
Editorial Office of the Society of Korea Industrial and Systems
The Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering, #425,
Anyang trade-center, Simin-daero 161, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si,
Gyeonggi-do, 14048, Korea
Tel: +82-70-4115-8005
To submit an article via online website, authors are recommended
to visit our online manuscript submission and tracking system
5. Publication interval and receipt of manuscript
The journal is published quarterly in March 31st, June 30th,
September 30th, and December 31st. The manuscripts can be
received at any time of the year. The manuscript that does not
keep the instruction for authors may be rejected before it is
6. Peer review
Every manuscript submitted is circulated to three peer reviewers.
The author's name and affiliation is not disclosed during the reviewing
process to reviewers. Regulations on a reviewing article
provide details on the peer review.
7. Fee for peer review and page charge
Fee for the peer review, Korean Won 50,000 should be sent to
the editorial office when the manuscript is submitted.
When the manuscript is accepted for the publication, the minimum
charge of Korean Won 300,000 per 8 pages must be paid
by the corresponding author before it is printed. If the manuscript
is over 8 pages, the extra page charge of Korean Won 20,000
per page is added to the fee.
The bank account for payment
Bank account No.: 806-01-0210-071
Name of Bank: KB bank (
Account owner: The Society of Korea Industrial and Systems
8. Role of the Editorial Board
The decision on the editing for the journal is judged by the
Editorial Board. The manuscript may be revised for the consistency
of the editing work as far as the main idea or the content
is not changed. Every manuscript submitted is not returned.
9. Copyright
The copyright and the transfer right of the digital content of the
published paper and journal is owned by the Society of Korea
Industrial and Systems Engineering.
1. Purpose
The purpose of this guideline is to show general agreement and improve quality in writing an abstract for the Journal of Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering.
2. Language
The abstract should be written in English with proper word choices.
3. Contents
The abstract should include all major issues of the research paper.
4. Words
The number of words for the abstract should be greater than 200.
5. Inclusion
The abstract should include research needs and purposes, methods, and conclusions.
6. Abbreviation
Abbreviations are acceptable when they come with their full words.
7. Keywords
Keywords of the paper should be addressed in the abstract and shown in a separate line.
8. Number of keywords
The number of keywords is three to five.
1. Writing manuscripts
The Manuscript should be prepared in A4 paper with the margin
of 25 mm from both the top and the bottom, 20 mm from both
the right side and the left side. The font size should be 10.0
points and row space 1 line. The format for word process program
accepted is the MS word file (.doc or .docx) created by Version
2010 or Hangul (2010) higher. The language of the text can be
either Korean or English.
2. List of content
The list of content is as followings: the Title, the Authors' Names
and Affiliations, Abstract, Introduction, Subjects and Methods,
Results, Discussion, Acknowledgement, References, Tables and
Figures in separate pages.
3. Title, Authors' Names and Affiliations
The title, the authors'full names and affiliations should be written
not only in Korean but also in English. If the authors are more
than or equal to two, there should be comma between authors.
At the bottom of the cover page, the email address of corresponding
author should be addressed. In the title page, the title in
Korean as well as in English should be written.
4. Title and abstract
The title, the authors' names, and their affiliations are centered.
The title should be simple and lucid so that the content of the
manuscript could be easily disclosed. There should not be abbreviations
in the title and the title beginning with "The study on,
or The discussion on" should be avoided. An abstract should
be written in English with lucid expressions. The number of words
for the abstract should be greater than 250. In the next line of
the abstract, the three to five keywords should be written in English.
The first word of the keywords should be capital letter.
Check with a guideline for writing an abstract at the KISE homepage
5. Main text
For the Introduction, the purpose and the background of the research
should be written simply and lucidly. In the Subjects and
Methods sections, the methodology of the research should be
written precisely so that others can get the same results with
repeated experiments. In the Results, objective facts should be
disclosed. In the Discussion, author's interpretation of the results,
author's opinion, and process of inducing conclusions should be
written simply.
6. Acknowledgements
The acknowledgements should be written in English. The contributors
who helped administrative work, assisted the research, or
participated in proof-reading, etc. can be addressed. The financial
support and its contents for the research can be described.
7. References
1) All of the reference must be written in English.
2) If there is no English description from the referenced textbooks
or papers in Korean, it should be written by author's
translation or Romanization of the Korean characters provided
by the National Institute of Korean Language available
at http://www.
Example: Park, J.Y., Munhak sokui uihak. Seoul: The Korean
Doctor's Weekly, 2003, Vol. OO, No. OO, pp. 177-201.
3) Maximum number of references should be about 30 except
in case of a Review article. The periodicals should be described
in the order of the authors, the title, the journal name, the
published year, the volume and pages. For the textbooks, the
author, the title, the place of publication, the publisher, and
the published year must be described in the order of the first
author's name. The journal names should be written in according
to the official abbreviation of the journal. If there is no official
abbreviation, the full name of journal should be written.
4) As for the citation in the text paragraph, the references must
be marked in square brackets such as [1] according to the
order of appearances in the text. No superscript should be
used. If the multiple references are cited, they are separated
by commas such as [2, 3, 4].
Example: Among these, the Ang off method had been the most
popular method used for multiple-choice tests by the
1990s [2].
5) The references in the end of the manuscript should be in a
numeric order according to the order of appearance in the
text. The title of textbooks or articles should be written in
a capital letter only for the first word. All authors should be
addressed. Below are the examples of references.
Example: Periodical
[1] Kim, J.K. and Kim, K.Y., Improvement of Mold Filling
in Aluminum Gravity Die Casting by Vacuum Suction.
Journal of The Korea Foundry Society, 2009, Vol. 29, No.
3, pp. 138-143.
Example: Textbook
[2] Steven, A.C. and Julian, B., The medical interview : the
three-function approach. 2nd ed. St Louis, USA : Mosby,
2000. pp. 210-214.
Example: PhD Thesis
[3] Hur, Y.R., An analysis of the core elements and curriculum
evaluation of medical professionalism [dissertation]. [Seoul,
Korea]: Yonsei University, 2006.
* In case of master's thesis, [dissertation] should be
displaced as [master's thesis].
8. Tables and Figures
1) The title and the captions of Tables and Figures must be written
in English.
2) The number of Figures should be in the form of <Figure 1>, <Figure 2>. The first word of the title and caption should
be in a capital letter. If there is more than or equal to two
figures in the same Figure number, it is written as <Figure
1A>, <Figure 1B>.
3) Table number is written in the form of <Table 1>, <Table 2>.
9. Undescribed matters
Any items, issues, or cases not described in the Introduction for
Authors should be judged by the Editorial Board.