Ethics Guideline
Code of Ethics for the Research Activities of the Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering
Article 1 (Purpose)
This Code of Ethics is to prevent any misconduct related to the research activities of the Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering (hereinafter referred to as the "Society"), with an aim to providing directions and basic principles in establishing research ethics.
Article 2 (Subject of application)
This Code of Ethics applies to both members and non-members who participate in the Society's academic activities.
Article 3 (Scope of research misconduct)
Research misconduct (hereinafter referred to as "misconduct") suggested in this code includes forging, falsification, plagiarism, and duplication of publication of papers, presentations, and submissions as part of the academic activities of the society, and is as follows:
1. "Forging" is the act of creating false data or non-existent research results
2. "Falsification" is the act of perverting research contents or results by artificially modifying research ingredients, equipment, or processes, or arbitrarily modifying and deleting data
3. "Plagiarism" is the act of appropriating others' ideas, research contents, or results without proper approval or quotation
4. "Duplicate submission" is the act of publishing the same content to two or more academic journals
5. "Unjust indication of the author of the paper" is the act of not granting the authorship of the paper without a reasonable reason to a person who contributed or assisted on research contents or results, or granting authorship of a paper to a person who did not contribute or assist through reasons such as expressing gratitude or showing respect and
6. Any other activity that seriously deviates from the scope commonly accepted in academia is prohibited.
Article 4 (Obligations of the Researcher)
1. The research shall be creative in theory relating to the society and its application thereof, and the researcher shall ensure the integrity and accuracy of the research.
2. The researcher shall take every measure to secure the credibility of the entire research process: planning, implementation, results, and reporting.
3. The researcher shall not commit any misconduct such as forging, falsification, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
4. The researcher shall abide by the universal rules that are used at home and abroad during the research process.
5. The authors of the research shall be limited to those who are directly involved in the research implementation. Moreover, all authors shall take joint responsibility for the research paper.
6. The achievements of other researchers that are cited and referred to in the research shall be disclosed so that the original author's rights and intellectual property rights can be protected.
7. As for conflicts of interest that may occur during the implementation of the research, the researcher shall understand the persons concerned based on intellectual freedom and fairness, and shall place precedence on public interests to make a fair settlement.
8. The researcher shall recognize that his or her research has a social responsibility to improve the welfare of human beings.
Article 5 (Authorship)
1. The authorship should be based on the following 4 criteria:
① Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
② Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
③ Final approval of the version to be published; AND
④ Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved
Contributors who meet fewer than all 4 of the above criteria for authorship should not be listed as authors, but they should be acknowledged.
Article 6 (Constitution of the Research Ethics Committee)
1. The Research Ethics Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee") is formed to deliberate on matters related to research ethics. The committee shall be composed of six members including the Ethics Committee Chairperson, President, Editor-in-Chief, Program Chair, Vice-Chairperson, and Director of General Affairs.
2. The Committee may seek advice or hear an opinion from a specialist in evaluating relevant information during the deliberation regarding research ethics.
Article 7 (Role of the Committee)
The committee shall fulfill the following duties in relation to research ethics.
1. Legislation and revision on research ethics
2. Deliberating and resolving the violations of the research ethics and the sanctions against the complained members and their research
3. Report on complained matters to the board of directors within sixty (60) days from the date on which a complaint is filed
4. Preparing necessary actions to protect the information providers for the fraud on research
5. Preparing other necessary measures to enhance research ethics of the institute
Article 8 (How to raise the problem and to keep the evidence)
1. Information on the matter can be directed to the chairperson of academic affairs or editor-in-chief, or editorial board members by oral, written, electronic mail, or any other means possible.
2. When an editorial board member is aware of a cheating or an improper conduct of a contributor, the member shall report it to the ethics committee by discussing with the editorial chairperson.
3. The committee should preserve the data presented at the time of the report, and secure the relevant data with the first priority even if they are not presented.
Article 9 (The Contents of Deliberation of the Ethics Committee)
1. Matters on research ethics raised in the research papers, plans, and reports related to the society.
2. Safety, personal information protection, and damage compensation of test subjects related to research.
3. Accusations raised against the unethical matters of research related to the society.
4. Miscellaneous matters related to research ethics decided by the chairperson.
Article 10 (Deliberation and Report by the Committee)
1. The committee shall decide on the affirmative vote of at least four members and report the results to the board of directors.
2. The report to the committee should include the followings:
② General outline of the suspicion and related data (articles, etc.)
③ Other matters deemed to be important by the committee and related materials
④ Measures for the results
4. In case of need, the committee can attend and provide the suspected of cheating with the opportunity to protect himself/ herself against the alleged misconduct.
Article 11 (Measures and Notification of Results)
1. The committee can determine the following disciplinary measures to the wrongdoers when their acts are considered to be fraudulent.
② Cancellation or revision of the research result
③ Replacement of involved researchers
④ Suspension of membership for 3 years
⑤ Expulsion from the society
⑥ Accusations, etc.
3. If the deliberation determines that the suspicion is free from fraud as a result of the hearing, the committee can take appropriate actions to restore the honor of the accused or the suspected.
Article 12 (Request of Retrial)
1. A protest against the decision of the society can be raised to the president within 30 days of written notice. In this case, the president shall notify the chairperson of the ethics committee, and the chairperson can convene a committee meeting to re-examine the misconduct.
2. The Ethics chairperson should report the results of the re-exam to the board of directors and can take any necessary actions.
1. (Enforcement date) this Code of Ethics comes into force on May 15, 2008.
2. (Enforcement date) this Code of Ethics comes into force on October 25, 2017.
3. (Enforcement date) this Code of Ethics comes into force on March 20, 2020.