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ISSN : 2005-0461(Print)
ISSN : 2287-7975(Online)
Journal of Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering Vol.33 No.3 pp.63-70

Busy Period 기대값을 사용하여 삼변수 Min(N, T, D)와 Max(N, T, D) 운용방침사이의 관계식 설정

학교 산업경영공학과

Construction of a Relation Between the Triadic Min(N, T, D) and Max(N, T, D) Operating Policies Based on their Corresponding Expected Busy Periods

Hahn-Kyou Rhee
Department of Industrial and Management Engineering Hannam University


Based on the known results of the expected busy periods for the triadic Min (N, T, D) and Max (N, T, D) operating policies applied to a controllable M/G/1 queueing model, a relation between them is constructed. Such relation is represented in terms of the expected busy periods for the simple N, T and D, and the dyadic Min (N, T), Min (T, D) and Min (N, D) operating policies. Hence, if any system characteristics for one of the two triadic operating policies are known, unknown corresponding system characteristics for the other triadic operating policy could be obtained easily from the constructed relation.
